Saturday, November 20, 2010

Bad Words... Sort of.

Well as Lydia Says "Those are bad words..." Yesterday I was not feeling well so Shawn thought I should call the doctor. So I did and of course they said I had to go right in to triage at the hospital. I kind of thought that was silly but I went anyway sure that they would just send me right home. WRONG! Apparently, my contractions were every 3-4 minutes and I was 1-2 (closer to 2) cm dilated. This is a significant change since Tuesday so they admitted me overnight and told me that I may need to stay in the hospital for as long as two weeks! YIKES. They started me on medication to stop my contractions again, although the medication made me feel bad it wasn't as bad as the trabutaline and my contractions stopped right away so I was able to come home tonight. Thank the Lord! I hope the contractions don't worsen again because I would like to have at least one more week with baby inside rather than outside. The doctor wants me to make it two more weeks but my goal is 1 week for now, then we'll see what happens.

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