Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sugar Peanut

Lydia has officially named her little brother Sugar Peanut, so from now until he gets a real name I shall only refer to him as Sugar Peanut.
Well for those who haven't heard yet I am now officially on bed rest... I never thought I would be tired of lying down but I'm getting very close to feeling that way. No worries though I just got off the phone with Stashia, my good friend who is a total movie/book junkie (in a good way), and she is going to bring me a stash of good entertainment. Now that I think of it maybe now would be a great time to catch up on the whole Harry Potter series. What the heck maybe I'll re-read them too. That is sounding very tempting. Anyhow back to what has gotten us this to this place. About a month ago I went in to the hospital with some contractions which I think I had been having since about 20 weeks but I didn't know what they were but Melissa, my personal L&D nurse at work, made me go in a sure enough the monitor showed some contractions, but with rest and fluids they slowed down. They told me I only had to come back in if the contractions worsened. So for the past month I would occasionally feel a contraction but nothing like they were so I just went about my business. On Monday I went in for my regular OB appt and everything was fine except my blood sugar but that is whole different topic. Then I had a follow up with the Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist because of being high risk for preterm delivery because Lydia was early. I expected to go in find out nothing had changed, get some good ultrasound pictures and head home for an afternoon of painting the kitchen. Boy was I wrong! They saw some significant changes on the ultrasound (I won't go into to much detail for the guys who are reading this-which is probably none). Based on the results of that ultrasound he told me I had a 70% chance of delivery Sugar Peanut before 35 weeks. So the doctor told me "Just head over to triage for an hour of monitoring if your not having contractions now you'll be able to just go home." Well clearly that was not the case so I bought myself an overnight trip to the hospital. First they tried fluid boluses to stop the contractions. No luck. Then the tried procardia. Again, no luck. So we moved on to terbutaline around 7pm which stopped the contractions but has lots of side effects. So I awoke very suddenly on Tuesday morning at 6am feeling like I couldn't breath with horrible chest pain so that was the end of that. So now I'm back on procardia. I did well on it all day yesterday at the hospital so I was able to come home last night around 9pm. They also gave me some steroids while I was there to help Sugar Peanuts lungs develop more quickly just in case we couldn't stop the contractions but 29 weeks is just too early. This morning I am waiting on test results from a test that was done last night that will be able to tell us if I'm NOT likely to deliver the baby in the next 7 days. The test is only really helpful if it's negative. I guess if it's positive it doesn't really mean too much because lots of people who are positive don't deliver in the next 7-14 days. So I'm hoping for break. I'm hoping it's NEGATIVE. The plan I left the hospital with is that I would come on bed rest for 2 weeks and follow up with the Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist every week and my reg OB in 2 weeks and then we can re-evaluate. The farther I make it the less restriction I will have but I am definitely sentenced to the couch for the next two weeks. Unfortunately I have had some more contractions this morning so it's about a 50% chance that I'll be headed back in today. I hope that is not the case. The hardest thing so fare is not being able to take care of Lydia and help Shawn out. I know he is VERY stressed right now because of this. Thankfully my friend Renee was able to pick Lydia up yesterday from Nita's and fed her supper so that Shawn could work a full day. I'm not sure what they had for supper but Lydia told me it was "soup and biscuits, and it was very good and very fresh". What a funny little girl.
Anyhow- I'm sure I'm going to be bored so feel free to send me a list of your most favorite books and movies. I would love to get lots of emails to hear about how everybody else is doing so I can think about something other than myself and of course visitors are always welcome! Keep checking the blog because I will post updates here rather than make 300 phone calls/texts per day. Sorry no pictures of me laying on the couch with a big belly- you'll have to use your imagination.

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