Monday, November 15, 2010

The Weekend

Well this weekend was wonderful. My Uncle Vernon and Aunt Karen brought my mom out for a visit. It was so nice visiting with family. Sunday afternoon football didn't even bother me because I was visiting with some wonderful ladies. That's how I could spend every Sunday afternoon!
The rest of the weekend was filled with watching my mom clean my house like the Tasmanian devil. I think she probably liked that I was stuck on the couch so I would stay out of her way:-). There were bubbles flying, rugs shaking and dust bunnies swirling. She didn't miss one fleck of dirt! She seemed to be in all her glory. She also did a little shopping for us so now Lydia has a big girl princess bed. If I remember I'll take a picture of it later and post it. It's really cute and Lydia LOVES it. So far its been working to get her to sleep in her own bed. The best part is that not only is a princess bed but the canopy also serves as a filter for the "monsters and bugs" that she is so afraid of each night.
My Aunt and Uncle seemed to enjoy themselves. I think they enjoyed Lancaster County. I told them they should go home and tell all the Grabers how great it is so that we can lots of visitors!
My appt is not until late tomorrow afternoon so I'll be sure to make sure your updated by Wednesday.

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