Tuesday, November 16, 2010

More Good Words

We just got back from seeing Dr. Bayliss and it's more good news. No change for the second week in row, but he still recommends bedrest. I don't have to go for another ultrasound next week, instead I will be switching to weekly non-stress tests at my reg OB office and then we go back in 2 weeks to check fetal growth. Ironically they are worried he'll be too big because of my diabetes however clearly they don't remember Lydia. They kept threatening me saying I would have a 10 lb baby and she was only 4 lbs 12 oz on track to be 7 lbs if she went to full term. I'm still having lots of contraction which isn't fun but other than that all is well. I have one more appt tomorrow morning but I don't expect to hear any bad news there.

1 comment:

grandma said...

Awesome!! Hang in there girl-I love you!