Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back to work...

Shawn made pancakes from scratch for the girls.

Beauty and the Beast first thing in the morning. It started as just Ella and Lydia and then they all joined in.

Well I'm going back to work tomorrow so I decided I should go ahead and do one last post before I'm to exhausted to post anymore. I would imagine that working full days will seriously decrease my posts. According to the Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist I have an 80% chance of having a baby by Friday. Let's see how accurate he is huh? The picture are from a Lydia's first sleep over at our house. She absolutely loved having friends over. She was giddy when I had Ella and Liza with me to pick her up on Friday from Nita's, all she could do is bounce around and she couldn't keep her hands off Ella. The picture of the Gingerbread house was from Cookies and Carols night at a local church. Our friend, Bessie, who watches Lydia at Nita's invited us because it was at her church and Lydia loved it! At the end I asked Lydia what her favorite part was decorating the house or singing carols and she answered very honestly and said "No Mommy it was eating the candy off the house" Enjoy the pictures and wish me luck at work tomorrow. Hopefully I don't have a baby at work!


Davericka said...

Back to work!? Why bother if you're going to have that little guy by Friday anyway? = } Hope the week goes well for you and that by the time you are able to post again, you'll have pictures of that little cutey inside of you to show us all. Wishing you the BEST!!

grandma said...

Oh my, I can see Lydia was on top of the world. I am glad she likes the gingerbread house, I had bought one to make with her but since I am not going to be there for christmas, that was good for Lydia. Man all of Renee's girls look alike!! Glad they all had fun!! Anxiously awaiting that phone call!

milnuts said...

Love it!