Friday, November 5, 2010


Well lots of people have been trying to entertain me while I'm on bedrest but my husband takes the prize. Lydia received a birthday present tonight in the mail from Uncle Ryan and Auntie Mimi that had suction cups on the toy so it can go in the bathtub. Shawn decided it would be funny if he suctioned it to his forehead and swung it around. Lydia thought it was great and she wanted to try it herself so she pulled with all her strength to get it off Shawn's forehead but it was really stuck on there. When it finally came off it left Shawn with a fabulous suction cup hickey. Awesome. Now he has to walk around like this all weekend.


Ryan Miller said...

that's great. the exact same thing happened to andy krause on our trip to FL one year for baseball. only he used a broken racquetball, and his hicky was dead center on his forehead, and twice as big as shawn's.

Ryan Miller said...
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grandma said...

Nice one, Shawn just wanted some attention Melanie!! LOL And I think it worked!! Funny, funny

Davericka said...

Ha! I was totally laughing out loud just now! = ) Way to keep your wife laughing, Shawn! And the rest of us too for that matter... ; )